Hi there! We are so glad that you are interested in learning more about our Women’s Retreat.  This page will hopefully answer all your questions, and it is also the place where you register for the retreat.  If you still have unanswered questions after you read through this page, please email us at womensministry@longviewfbc.com, and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

Who? Our retreat is for all ladies 18 & over.  Feel free to invite your friends–whether they attend FBC or not.  The more, the merrier!

When? Friday, April 4th @ 5 pm- Saturday, April 5th @ 4:30 pm

Where? Wylde Acres, 2864 Smelley Rd, Longview, TX (a beautiful & tranquil, cabin-style event venue right here in Longview)

What? Our retreat will include 3 delicious meals, 3 speaker sessions, worship, fellowship, crafts, and even a peaceful prayer walk/quiet time.

How much? The cost for both Friday and Saturday sessions is $50 (including 3 meals).  If you would like to truly unplug and stay overnight at Wylde Acres, it just costs an additional $25.

Whether you get energized and encouraged from chatting with other ladies or from taking a quiet walk by yourself, there will be something for everyone at our retreat.  Wylde Acres provides a wonderful setting to get away from it all and “Be Still” as we dive into God’s Word, enjoy the beauty of creation, worship our Savior, and connect with other women.

Our speaker: Mary Morris

Mary Morris is an East Texas native, having grown up in Pittsburg, Texas, where she finished high school. She completed college at East Texas State University (now Texas A&M – Commerce) with a vocational home economics degree, but worked as a licensed social worker for the State of Texas after college and later as the social worker for Summer Meadows Nursing Home and the Buckner Greenhouses in Longview.

She is married to Mark Morris, an attorney, and they have lived in Longview since 1981. Mary and Mark joined Fellowship Bible Church as partners in the fall of 2024. They have twin daughters, Emily, and Amy, who are graduates of Spring Hill High School and Baylor University. Emily is married to Ben, and they live in Pennsylvania with their two children, James and Sa’Nyiah. Amy and her husband, Imie, are missionaries in Papua New Guinea and have three children: Mary Kate (sophomore at ETBU in Marshall and partner with Fellowship Bible Church), Imie IV, and Carolina.  

In May of 2023, Mary retired after 40 years of service in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship International). She served BSF in various capacities: Substitute Teaching Leader/Class Administrator, Teaching Leader (1992-98) in the Longview Day Class; Area Advisor for North Texas classes (1998-2010); and most recently as Teaching Leader again for Longview Day Class from 2010-2023. Currently, Mary has returned to the Longview BSF Day Women’s Class and is co-leading the high school students in the study of Revelation.

How to register:

  • Decide if you will attend during the day only or if you also want to stay overnight
  • If you will NOT be staying overnight, click on the Day Registration link below ($50 basic retreat cost).
  • If you are staying overnight, decide if you will be…
    • Sharing a bed in a private room (additional $25)
    • Choosing “double occupancy” to reserve a full bed for yourself (additional $50)
    • Bringing your own sleeping bag to stay on the floor of a room already reserved by a friend (additional $10)

Click on Overnight Registration below to reserve your sleeping space.

Day Registration Link

Overnight Registration Link

Please note: Registration is limited due to space limitations. Payment is required to complete your registration. If you cannot afford to attend due to financial limitations, please email us at the email above to apply for a scholarship.

If you need assistance in completing the online registration, we will be available before and after service at the green desk in the lobby on March 2 & 9 to help you out. We would love to help you get registered in person on either of those dates.