About Us

Our Mission

FBC Exists to Worship God, Share Jesus Christ, and Build Believers.

Core Values

We value worship of the Triune God

Worship is rightly responding to who God is and what He’s done. Our worship acknowledges God our Father as sovereign over His creation, proclaims our devotion to Jesus Christ as savior and head of the church, and displays our unity in the Holy Spirit as He leads us.

We value God’s Word

The Bible is the divinely inspired primary revelation of God, without error in its original forms. It serves as our standard for faith, practice, and teaching. We believe it is to be interpreted within the context that the original authors intended. We hold tightly to the theological truths that are outlined in our doctrinal statement but, for the sake of unity, hold additional spiritual and practical matters loosely recognizing the diversity of biblical convictions represented in the Body of Christ.

We value God’s grace

God saves us by His grace through faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus took our guilt and shame and gave us His righteousness that we might come before God as our Father. By his grace and for his glory, we are called into personal relationship, depending on him and communing with him.Recognizing that we all fail in many ways, and that grace is available through Jesus, we commit to treat one another with the same grace we have received from Christ and encourage on another to walk in love and holiness.

We value God’s mission

Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations”. We commit ourselves and our resources to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ personally and by partnering in local and global missionary efforts in response to God’s charge in Matthew 28: 19-20.

We value God’s people

God designed us to live in community. We are to love, care for, and help one another follow Jesus We value gathering in small groups that provide opportunities to cultivate genuine biblical living, meaningful relationships, and support for believers. We also prioritize the large regular gathering of believers as we worship together and renew our strength for the work God has prepared for us.

We value God’s design for each believer

God has called and gifted every believer to serve him. Such gifts include natural abilities, spiritual gifts, personality, aptitudes, relationships, experiences – in essence, all we are and all we have. These gifts are to be used in love for the common good of the Body of Christ. Pastors and elders are called to equip believers in cultivating and employing those gifts in ministry. We encourage and expect every believer to put their gifts into practice in faithfully serving Christ within the church and in all aspects of their life.


Mission: FBC Exists to Worship God, Share Jesus Christ, and Build Believers.

By God’s grace and for his glory we will be a church where:

  1. We join in the ongoing response to who God is and what He has done. We offer every aspect of our lives to God as we live dependent upon and in communion with Him.
  2. We offer each other the freedom to be vulnerable about our struggles and failures as we worship and serve God together. We embrace one another in grace as God has embraced us.
  3. We respond to the truth of Scripture by taking action both personally and corporately. We are regularly transformed by our study of Scripture, not just informed. We will discover, develop, and use our gifts for the church. In this way, we will help one another follow Jesus.
  4. We display unconditional love and unwavering resolve to share the good news – that God so loved the world that he sent Jesus to rescue us from sin’s penalty of death. We serve together in East Texas and support missionaries we send elsewhere.


Our Mission and vision call us into action for the cause of Christ. To become the church described in our Vision Statement, we hope and pray that by 2023 the follow can be said of Fellowship Bible Church:

  1. We support vocational missionaries with at least 20% of our general budget.
  2. We evangelize the lost and disciple new Christians each year.
  3. We sponsor and support at least three mission trips annually.
  4. We will see 80% of our congregation actively participating in relational groups that help them grow.
  5. We will see 80% of our congregation actively serving our church family.
  6. We will see 80% of our congregation regularly serving others in our surrounding community.
  7. We will see 80% of our congregation able to communicate a “next step” they’ve taken in their discipleship journey within the last twelve months.
  8. We will continually raise up new leaders to equip the saints to accomplish these goals.