There will be an FBC work day on Saturday, June 29, from 8-10 a.m. We will work on landscaping projects around campus. No supplies will be provided. Helpful tools to bring with you would be: hedgers, trimmers, loppers, saws, leaf rakes. garden carts, and tarps to drag debris. Large A-frame ladders, pole saws, and trimmers will also be needed. Bring whatever applicable tools you have, plenty of cold water, coffee if you need it, and an eager servant’s heart.

Mark Woodson will be on campus, and the gym will be open for bathrooms and refrigerator from 7:20 a.m. until we are done. This will be a fun day of fellowship and service together. It is for all ages, BUT parents will be responsible for the supervision of their younger children. Kids are most welcome and there will be many ways they can participate and learn. Ladders will be helpful, BUT for insurance reasons only the owner or owner designated user will be allowed on them.

If you have any questions see Mark Woodson, contact him at, or call the office at (903) 663-9591.