Come enjoy an evening of caffeine and crooning on March 21 from 6-9 p.m.! We will transform the youth side of the Treehouse into a coffee shop and our youth will be selling coffee and other drinks plus yummy treats to raise money for summer camp. Show off your talents...
Oftentimes signing up for events at FBC requires you to fill out an online form. Click here to access the master list of forms, or click on the individual event below that you would like to attend.
Young Adults! You are invited to our next young adult lunch on Sunday, March 23 in the gym. The lunch will begin right after the church service and all adults ages 18-30ish are welcome. We hope to see you there!
We will be collecting donations for Legacy Closet in the church lobby from March 9-30. Please consider blessing the foster families by bringing these needed supplies: Teens pajamas Teen girls underwear (S, M, L, & XL) Preemie & newborn clothes (boy or girl)...
SEND 2025 is an amazing opportunity for our congregation to come together and bless our community. We will be meeting at the church on March 29 at 9 a.m. to pray and send our people to various service projects around Longview. Specifically, we will send two groups to...
Join us for a Bunco Fundraiser! Come play for a purpose. Join us on March 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Bible Gym for a fun-filled Bunco Night benefiting teen moms attending Young Life Camp. Invite your friends for an evening of games, multiple prizes, and...
Hi there! We are so glad that you are interested in learning more about our Women’s Retreat. This page will hopefully answer all your questions, and it is also the place where you register for the retreat. If you still have unanswered questions after you read...
Ladies, if you are home during the day, you may be interested in joining the ladies’ Bible study that meets on the first, third, and fifth Tuesdays of the month. We meet at 10:15 a.m. in room 117 of the Adult Education Building. We are studying the Book of Acts....
Women of all ages are welcome as we craft needed items for local and global missions. Regardless of your skill level, you can make an important contribution. Projects With a Purpose meets every second and fourth Monday of the month in room 201 of the Church Office...