Adult Classes
Our Winter Adult Classes Schedule will begin January 12. To register for a Winter 2025 Adult Class, click HERE
These classes will take us up to Easter.
Young Adult Class
Sunday | 09:00 AM |
Sunday Class Adult Education Center Room 113 |
Young Adult Class: Leader, Chris Dalton
A Sunday morning class for people during the college and young adult years.
Fall 2024 Study: Gospel Fluency
”To become fluent in a new language, you must immerse yourself in it until you actually start to think about life through it. Becoming fluent in the gospel happens the same way―after believing it, we have to intentionally rehearse it (to ourselves and to others) and immerse ourselves in its truths. Only then will we start to see how everything in our lives, from the mundane to the magnificent, is transformed by the hope of the gospel.”
The Young Adults Class will be exploring what gospel fluency looks like every Sunday morning. Join us each week at 9 am in room 113.
A Study of the Book of 1 Peter
Sunday | 09:00 AM | Sunday Class | FBC-Church Office Bldg. Rm. 201 |
This class will study the book of 1st Peter together for 12 weeks.
International Fellowship Group
Sunday | 09:00 AM | Sunday Class | FBC-Adult Ed-114 |
Leader: Hoo Kim
A bi-lingual Bible Study Asian students and individuals whose primary language is not English. Study materials and Bibles are provided in Chinese.
Sunday | 09:00 AM | Sunday Class | FBC-Adult Ed-117 |
Leader: Valerie Wilson
Adult Class for women of any age.
Bible Study Methods
Sunday | 09:00 AM | Sunday Class | FBC-Adult Ed-120 |
Teachers: Warnemuendes
Facilitators: Kraig & Loren Warnemuende
A class for all ages focused on equipping you for personal and corporate Bible Study while studying the Bible.
Sunday | 09:00 am | Adult Ed Center Rm 111 |
This ongoing class meets to support families who are involved with fostering and/or families who have adopted children.
Facilitators are Michael and Candy Palmer.
Sunday | 9:00 am | FBC – Room 112 |
This class will study the book Gospel Fluency together with the goal of applying the truth of the Gospel to everyday life in practical ways.
“Gospel fluency is the solution to our unbelieving hearts. Yes, the gospel is the answer to those who have not yet believed in Jesus. But it is also the answer to believers who continue to walk in unbelief in many areas of their life, not trusting his Word and living in light of what Jesus has accomplished for us. Gospel fluency is believing the gospel and speaking the truths of the gospel into the everyday stuff of life.”
9 Marks of a Healthy Church
Sunday | 09:00 AM | Adult Education Center Room 116 |
What Makes for a Healthy Church?
You may have read books on this topic before but not like this one. Instead of an instruction manual for church growth, this classic text points to basic biblical principles for assessing and strengthening the health of your church. Whether you’re a pastor, a leader, or an involved member of your congregation, studying the nine marks of a healthy church will help you cultivate new life and well-being within your own church for God’s glory.