SEND 2025 is an amazing opportunity for our congregation to come together and bless our community. We will be meeting at the church on March 29 at 9 a.m. to pray and send our people to various service projects around Longview.

Specifically, we will send two groups to Heartisans, one group to craft various items for sale in the store and the other to do light construction and landscaping work in Heartisans village. We will also send a group to Buckner to play with children involved in their Family Pathways program and assist in meeting other needs on their campus. Finally, we will send a group to pray with and assist homeless individuals with showering through Fresh Start.

In addition to these projects, we will also have two groups remaining at the church, one preparing freezer meals for the women in Buckner’s Family Pathways program and another putting together hygiene kits for Fresh Start.

You can sign up to participate by clicking on the button below. Those signed up by March 14 will receive a free t-shirt!