Join us for World Outreach Weekend on February 21-23 as we focus more intentionally on Global Missions and specifically the work of the missionaries supported by FBC.
There will be times for fellowship with the missionaries on Friday evening, a special dinner on Saturday evening, and special missions emphasis in the Sunday morning worship service. It is a great time to learn more about our missionaries and how FBC supports the global missions effort. See specific details below.
If you’d like to host a missionary in your home during WOW, click HERE to fill out a form.
Friday Night “Meet and Greet”
- Come to our Meet and Greet where you will be able to chat with the missionaries our church supports while enjoying some delicious Blue Bell ice cream and cookies! Ice cream is provided. Please bring a plate of cookies to share. This family event in the gym will be from 6:30-8 p.m. on Friday, February 21. We hope you will come!
Saturday Night “Missions Dinner”
- This will be a time to reflect and praise God for what He has done through missions at FBC since its inception. Pastor Alex will MC the event and lead a special time of sharing including hearing from an early FBC member as well as some of our seasoned missionaries. Jim Johnson will introduce our WOW theme and verse. The dinner will take place on Saturday, February 22, from 6-8 p.m. in the gym. There will be childcare for 3rd grade and below after the dinner portion. The dinner is free, but there will be a basket for donations at the event. If you plan on coming, please RSVP by February 17 by clicking HERE or by signing up at the green desk on February 2, 9, or 16.
Sunday Morning
- Missionaries will be visiting the 9 a.m. Sunday Classes to share about their work. You will meet in your normal class that morning, February 23.
- During the 10:30 a.m. service our missionaries will be introduced and Pastor Jim Johnson will bring the message. We will also be taking a love offering for our missionaries that Sunday. There will be special envelopes you can use for giving in the faith boxes. If giving online, there will be a dropdown box where you can select WOW.
Sunday Lunch (optional)
- Want to know more or show more support? You have an opportunity to host a missionary for lunch after the service on February 23. Sign up to host a missionary for lunch HERE or at the green desk on February 2, 9, or 16.
RSVP for the Saturday banquet.
Also, Ann & I would be happy to take a missionary to lunch.
Hey there!
Please fill out this form to RSVP for the Saturday Dinner: FORM
You can fill out this form as well to take a missionary to lunch: Lunch FORM